Can Kidney Stones be treated without Surgery?
Yes, Most urinary / kidney stones will be treated without surgery. 90% of kidney stones go themselves within 3 to 6 weeks. during this scenario, the only treatment needed is pain relief. However, if pain is severe than hospital admission required and pain-relieving medication will be given to the patient. Small stones can pass through urine by :
Drinking Enough Water / Fluid: The key to flush stones through urine is to drink at least 2-3 liters water.
Medications: Doctors may prescribe certain pain relievers to ease the pain and other medications to break and dissolve stones. Antibiotics are advised to counter infections.

How can kidney stones be a problem?
Kidney stone, first of all, can cause unbearable pain. It needs to be treated as soon as possible. Delaying treatments may lead to kidney failure or may even be a cause of cancer.

What are the first signs of kidney stones?
Among the most common signs of having kidney stones include excruciating pain in the groin and its sides, passing less amount of urine than usual, burning sensation while passing urine, nausea, vomiting, the presence of pus and blood in urine.

What is the main cause of kidney stone?
Among the most common causes is less fluid intake. Having acidic urine, certain diseases, heredity and eating certain foods in excess can also cause stones. However, the main cause of accumulation of those components that form stone is drinking less amount of water on a daily basis.

Are Kidney Stones serious?
Yes, kidney stones are serious as if untreated; they can lead to further problems of urinary tract infections and kidney damage. The growth of bacteria can lead to blockage and infection. Also, the presence of kidney stones for long can build up pressure on the kidneys and hamper their functioning.

Can I die from a kidney stone?
Kidney stones, on rare occasions, can lead to death; especially if its diagnosis is delayed and then not getting treatment on time, there is a risk of kidney infection. It can lead to a condition called sepsis that is life-threatening and required rapid treatment.

What is the prevention of kidney stone?
First of all, one should drink 10-12 glasses of water daily. Avoiding excess salt, animal protein, fried foods, alcohol, etc. can prevent the formation of kidney stone.

What is the risk factor of kidney stone?
Heredity, gender, certain types of diseases, diet, and lifestyle, to a certain extent are counted among risk factors.

Why Kidney Stones are Considered Dangerous?
Kidney stones, especially large stones, if remain untreated for a long time can lead to permanent damage to the kidney and may result in kidney loss.

What is the diet of kidney stone patients?
To keep the formation of kidney stones in check, it is important to eat foods that calcium-rich drink citrus juices and most important drink lots of water. Avoiding excess salts, added sugars, oxalates rich foods, and excess animal protein is highly recommended for kidney stone patients.

When to see a doctor for kidney stones?
If you are observing symptoms of kidney stones, and are not able to pass the stone through urine, you should visit the doctor. If you have the following symptoms, immediately see a doctor.
� Severe pain
� Blood in urine
� A strong urge to urinate
� Difficulty passing urine
� A burning sensation while urinating
� Nausea/Vomiting
� Fever/Chills

How do doctors remove my kidney stone ? The first step is the diagnosis which involves a series of blood tests, Urinalysis, KFT, ultrasound, abdominal X-ray etc.
After diagnosing the disease, analyzing the stage of the disease and risk factors associated, the specialists here advise the right treatment.
If the problem is caught early and doctors do not find it alarming, they can prescribe ways, so stone passes down easily, naturally. Another effective method that does not involve invasive surgery is performing laser treatment of the kidney stone.


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